Friday, July 10, 2009

Hardrock 100 2009 Maggie Gulch to Pole Creek

Mile 15.3 to mile 19.6
Arrived 12:43 pm
1:18 from Maggie Gulch, 4 minutes in the aid station (:11 total in aid stations)

-I left the aid station and somehow was ahead of Bur and Dobies again
-it seemed like there was a lot less water and muck through the willows between the pass and the traverse (as opposed to last year)
-Stepped into the mud puddle that Howie Stern told me about from last year, just about a ¼ mile before the aid station Right leg up to the knee. I saw Rickie Redland behind me, and she was a bookend (her left leg found the mud hole)
-Dobies asked if I needed any malto, at the aid station, I said I was O.K.

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